Detailed Analysis of the Gender Pay Gap in Egypt


  • The Egyptian Center for Economic Studies - ECES

  • Project Link

  • 4 September 2023

At the outset, it's important to highlight that the project has been ongoing for six quarters. This duration has allowed us to utilize the wealth of data we've accumulated about the job market to conduct a detailed gender pay gap analysis.

I was responsible for all phases of the project, which included:

  • Web Scraping: Utilizing Python.
  • Data Collection: Employing the scraper to gather over 60,000 job listings per quarter.
  • Data Cleaning: Using tools such as Numpy, Pandas, and Google Sheets.
  • Explanatory Data Analysis: Applying Google Sheets, Matplotlib, and Seaborn for in-depth analysis.
  • Data Presentation: Creating four fully interactive dashboards that encompass all aspects of job demand in the Egyptian labor market.