English Learning | The minimum wage: does it hurt workers? | The Economist
For decades, the minimum wage has sparked fierce debate, with opinions on its implications deeply divided. Why does the minimum wage continue to be so divisive? Worker revolutions and strikes fought for a minimum wage, resulting in almost a patchwork quilt of differing wage floors across the nation. This patchwork of different minimum-wage levels has left both economists and policymakers grappling with its intricate consequences.
A study that turned economic thinking about the minimum wage on its head promised clarity but ended up further fueling the contentious discourse. Isolating the impact of the minimum wage is far from straightforward, making it challenging to draw definitive conclusions. The opportunity for another experiment could be just around the corner, and if pursued, it would take America’s economy into uncharted waters, making it crucial for policymakers to navigate the delicate balance between workers’ livelihoods and the broader economic landscape.
New Words and Phrases:
- For decades, the minimum wage has sparked fierce debate أثار جدالا حادا
- Why does the minimum wage continue to be so divisive? مثيرا للإنقسام
- Worker revolutions and strikes fought for a minimum wage ناضل من أجل
- So almost this patchwork quilt of differing wage floors لحاق مرقع
- This patchwork of different minimum-wage levels خليط
- A study that turned economic thinking about the minimum wage on its head
- So far from providing clarity, the study only served to reignite the debate إعادة إشعال
- Isolating the impact of the minimum wage is far from straightforward
- The opportunity for another experiment could be just around the corner قاب قوسين أو أدنى
- It would take America’s economy into unchartered waters